Sanctuary Residents


Ysera and Pukei-Pukei

Ysera (peahen) and Pukei-Pukei (peacock) were transferred to our care from another farmed-animal sanctuary in Pennsylvania. The caretakers at the sanctuary they lived at are elderly and, unfortunately, were finding it difficult to care for them. Peafowl can live to be over thirty years old, so it was important to their caretakers that they find a safe place to live out their days. Ysera and Pukei-Pukei are not domesticated, but unfortunately due to being born in captivity are not candidates for release into the wild. They enjoy sunbathing, eating their veggie treats, and bossing around the other residents!



Chocobo was a Pekin duck who, like so many other ducks, was purchased as a day-old duckling from a feed store. Unfortunately, the person who purchased him neglected him, and as a result of that neglect he lost his ability to walk. He was tossed into a back yard where he struggled to survive for almost a year before he was surrendered to our care. After his arrival, we did everything we could to help him and keep him comfortable. For seven beautiful months he knew happiness with us. He passed away in October of 2020.



Dandelion is a sweet, feisty little Khaki Campbell duck! She was surrendered to us along with Chocobo, but thankfully does not have any physical wounds from the neglect she faced at her previous home. Dandelion is best friends with Pukei-Pukei the peacock and follows him everywhere he goes. She is a happy, hilarious little girl who loves to splash in her water bowl and dig in the mud!


Matilda (Tildy)

Tildy was brought to us in January of 2021 as a tiny, fluffy duckling. She was found wandering a bike path on her own and was — thankfully — picked up by a Good Samaritan. Matilda has a HUGE personality and is incredibly affectionate. She loves her duck friends but also loves hanging out with her humans. We have watched her grow into a beautiful, sweet young lady and we absolutely adore her!



Emma is a friendly, affectionate Cochin chicken. She was adopted from Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary along with Lohse, Johanna, and Raptor. Emma is a quiet girl who will snuggle with you all day long if she could! She enjoys dust-bathing, foraging, and naps!



Lohse is an outgoing, assertive Golden-Laced Wyandotte chicken. She was adopted from Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary along with Emma, Raptor, and Johanna. Lohse likes to keep her siblings in line and snack on yummy treats like squash, lettuce, and sprouts! She takes a little while to warm up, but once she decides she likes you she’ll snuggle into your lap for pets and kisses.



Johanna, affectionately called “Jo”, is a curious, independent Barnevelder chicken. Jo was adopted from Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary along with Emma, Raptor, and Lohse. Jo’s favorite thing to do is forage, and she’s our number one bug destroyer! When she’s not digging for worms, she likes to talk to her sisters about the day’s gossip (we can only assume, as they seem to always be chatting)! She’s a very sweet little girl, and will sit on your shoulder and talk to you if you let her!



Raptor is a fiery, feisty Egyptian Fayoumi chicken. She was adopted from Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary along with Lohse, Johanna, and Emma. Raptor is definitely the boss; it’s her world, and we’re all just living in it! She has a big personality for such a tiny thing, and will definitely let you know if she doesn’t like something. She has some tender moments, however, and will let you pet her if she’s lost in a daydream during a dust bath. When she comes back to reality though, she’ll go right back to letting you know that she’s the queen of the coop!



Nyssa was a friendly, affectionate Cornish Cross chicken. Nyssa was rescued from a pop-up slaughterhouse on the streets of Brooklyn, New York. She was meant to be slaughtered in a brutal ritual called Kapparos, but escaped that fate along with 509 other unbelievably lucky little birds (including Blossom, Eddie, and Flecha) due to the efforts of an incredible group of rescuers. Nyssa was transported to us at only six weeks old, and grew into the most beautiful, lovely little girl! Unfortunately, she suddenly grew very ill and we learned she was suffering from heart failure. She passed away peacefully in December 2020, in the arms of the people who loved her so, so much.



Flecha is a big, beautiful Cornish Cross chicken. Flecha was rescued from being sacrificially slaughtered during Kapparos along with Nyssa, Blossom, and Eddie, and was brought to us at only six weeks old. Originally we thought he was a hen, but he definitely proved us wrong! Flecha enjoys running around the yard searching for bugs and worms, and is always the first one to the dinner bowl. He’s not a huge fan of lettuce, but really likes pumpkin, eggplants, and as many worms as he can dig up!



Eddie is a friendly, affectionate Cornish Cross chicken. Eddie was rescued from slaughter during Kapparos with Flecha, Blossom, and Nyssa, and is so happy he was! Eddie really enjoys cuddles, and will sit in your lap to take a nice nap. When he’s not snuggling, he likes sunbathing and eating the bugs he can find hiding in the grass (sorry, bugs). He’ll let you give him kisses and is just the sweetest little boy we’ve ever met!



Blossom was a strikingly beautiful Cornish Cross chicken. Blossom, along with Eddie, Flecha, and Nyssa, was rescued from slaughter during Kapparos in Brooklyn, New York. Blossom was a quiet, shy girl, and was very attached to Flecha and Eddie. She’d follow them all around the yard, and was always keeping an eye out to make sure she never strayed too far from them. Unfortunately, Blossom suffered a heart attack and left us in March 2021. She passed away surrounded by her family and her brothers who loved her so, so much.



Shadow is a loving, affectionate Doberman Pinscher dog. Shadow was adopted from San Antonio Doberman Advocacy and Rescue when he was four years old. Since moving to Ohio he has grown to really enjoy the farm life, and spends his days digging for moles, mice, and anything else he can smell when he’s not snuggling next to his humans on the couch.


Abel is an affectionate, outgoing Doberman Pinscher (mix?) dog. Abel was rescued from euthanasia at San Antonio Animal Care Services only a few hours before he was scheduled to be killed. Originally, he was going to be made available for adoption to find a family of his own, but he quickly let us know that he was already home… And who are we to argue? He is a permanent family member now, and we couldn’t be happier! He enjoys digging in the mud, eating dinner, and playing with his ball!



Blue is a stubborn, outspoken Dachshund dog. Blue was adopted from Texas Sweeties Dog Rescue after being rescued from a horrific hoarding/backyard breeding situation. He is a “double-dapple” Dachshund, and unfortunately his “designer” coloring has resulted in him being almost completely blind; he is missing one eye, and has very limited sight in the other. That certainly doesn’t hold him back though, and he enjoys exploring the yard, chewing on his toys, and taking naps in strange places (like under the deck, as you can see here).